Monday, 26 December 2011


These days Cyber Café business is easy to run in Nigeria if you really know the tips and tricks to network it. The biggest problems café owners has ever had while running a cyber café is the networking issues. Some years ago, all café owners use to depend on foreign network providers most especially from Canada, but these days you don’t need all those stress again if you know what to do. With our 3.5G network providers (MTN, GLO, ETISALAT etc ) you can run a Cyber Café perfectly, more reliable, cheaper, and it even more faster than the usual foreign network providers. All you need is to subscribe to one of these 3.5G providers, choose the one that is more faster in your area were you want to setup the Cyber Café.
Important Requirement to setup a Cyber Café;
COMPUTERS: determine how many set of computers you can afford, these also include the UPS and other things that makes it a complete PC
PRINTERS: while running a Cyber Café, you should have at least 2 printers, because printers can get faulty any time, so you need to have backup.
SCANNER: you can manage scanner but its advisable to have a backup, if you can.
MODEM (huawei): the modem is what you use for the browsing, it is easily available from network provider, like MTN, GLO and others. After acquiring modem from a network provider, you will have to unlock it, so it can accept different network providers sim card.
D-LINK (router); this is what you will use to share your internet connections to all your client computers
These are the main requirement, with these you are ready to setup your Cyber Café with ease.

FOR ASSISTANCE YOU CAN Contact me on; 08091812125 or

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